News + Headlines

First Leg of the Tour- East Coast

Well folks, yesterday kicked off the first day of the tour. The moment we have been waiting for has finally arrived! Atlanta welcomed us with open arms at the Olde Smith’s Bar. We set up our first merch table, stacked with our two differently designed t-shirts, bandanas, and our newly released album, Time to Begin. we are currently North carolina bound. First stop is Charlotte, next Raleigh, then Wilmington. Strangers/ acquaintances have been kind enough to let us crash in their empty condos. Music really brings out the generosity in people. We are accepting all the help we can get. We are looking forward to what the rest of the road has in store for us!

It is now day five of our year long adventure. Since the first post, we have played three shows, all of which received amazing responses. Of the three venues, our favorite was The Pour House in Raleigh. Although the crowd was the slimmest of all, our sound guy, Jack, was incredible. We will definitely be going back. Throughout our NC adventures, our eyes have been opened to how kind and hospitable people are towards traveling bands in need. We had two strangers open their homes to us. The other two nights, we camped out at the KOA national park outside of Raleigh. It was awesome being able to relax and toss the frisbee around in between gigs. We are already learning to appreciate the value of a good shower and a can of noodle-Os. A fellow camper saw our van, looked us up, and wrote us a check for $30. Meeting new people and making new friends has been one of the best parts of the trip thus far. Next stop: DC!

Hello, all! It has been a week since we last posted. In the past week, we have played gigs in DC, Brooklyn, NYC, Harrisburg, and Philly, PA. Whoo, it has been an amazing, hectic week. All of the crowds we have played for have given us positive reception. While in DC, Jackson’s sister welcomed us into her home. It was there that we celebrated the release of our first album. We sat on a living room floor, in sleeping bags, cheep beer in hands. It was short of glamorous, but it was the best celebration imaginable. We were just a bunch of giddy school kids. All of our hard work and anticipation had finally paid off. Our fans have been so supportive of the release, constantly flooding our Facebook and twitter with words of encouragement. We would be nothing without them! - we even made it to #1 on the best selling charts for our genre on
On to New York — two words: Culture. Shock. Upon our arrival we, in the most discreet way possible, turned the wrong way onto a one way street. Way to make an entrance! We also had some close calls with pedestrians. Those people are fearless, and “honking your horn” takes on a whole new meaning there.
We were able to hear other bands that played with us, among them being, Mail the Horse and Food Will Win the War. It was an incredible experience. It is great meeting such kind, talented individuals.
While in the big apple, not only did we get to play at the famous Mercury Lounge, but we got to eat some ballin’ New York pizza. We also were interviewed by ABC news radio and Virgin Mobile Live.

Pennsylvania- first off, it is BEAUTIFUL. Most beautiful country side we have seen so far. We were welcomed with open arms at the Abbey Bar in Harrisburg. This is where we began pulling out our winter coats. We aren’t yet used to septembers being below 80 degrees.
Before our Philly gig we, of course, feasted on real Philly cheese steaks at this hip little suburban area. Our gig was early and ended at 7:30. We took advantage of this rare occasion and built a fire at our campsite, where we roasted marshmallows and ate ravioli. We also met a cool, local band called John the Conquerer.

Now off to Columbus, Ohio, where we are being graciously housed there by our new label mates, Hey Monae.


Hello, fellow Bandanans.

Well, a lot has happened since Columbus. We’re jut going to re-cap the most memorable moments of that experience.

Our label mates, Hey Monea, not only gave us a place to crash, but they provided us with new friends. Upon our arrival to Columbus, we were all rubbing our eyes, stretching our legs, and expecting to go to sleep shortly after our arrival. This was not the case at all. We walked into a kitchen full of people, microphones and guitars. There was an in house recording session going on, accompanied by Digorno pizza and whipped vodka. We, of course, felt at home right away, and even got to jam with them a bit. It was not long, though, before dub step music began to blare from the stereo in the living room. We came to find that, provided the appropriate amount of liquor, Jason is quite a fan of the dub. Though there was a variety of dance moves happening amongst the dancers, Jason’s won the gold medal for the most innovative move of the night. Before anyone could tell what the process was in him getting there, we all realized Jason was hanging from the crown molding of the living room ceiling- about six feet high. He shortly thereafter fell to the floor, bringing the molding down with him. Fortunately, Jason is a trooper and made it out fine, with the

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